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Go towards discomfort. Stop being lazy, soft, making excuses for yourself, and do challenging things daily. This is where true growth and fulfillment are derived. You’ve likely heard these concepts in one way or another, but I think they are especially important in today’s American culture.

I believe that there is a bit of a societal shift happening currently, but as a whole we are soft, weak, and addicted in a number of way as a society. I am not immune to this. This is why I chose to commit myself to Andy Frisella’s “LIVE HARD” Program three weeks ago. This is a year-long program with the intention of building elite-level mental toughness and growth in individuals upon completion. It begins with “75 Hard,” which you may recognize. If you do not, it is as follows:

  1. Complete two 45-minute workouts daily; one of these must be completed outdoors
  2. Drink at least a gallon of water daily
  3. Read ten pages of a nonfiction/personal development book daily
  4. Pick a diet with the intention of getting healthier and stick to it. No ‘cheat meals,’ and ZERO alcohol.
  5. Take a progress picture daily

I’ve committed myself to this for a couple core reasons. I want to be someone who is constantly striving to reach my maximum potential on this Earth. I want to be mentally and physically fit because it will lead to personal success, success for my family, and the ability to help significantly more people. Most of all, I want to be the best husband and (future, as I write this) father that I can possibly be.

I’m only twenty days in, but I already LOVE who I am becoming.

Thesis: stop being soft on yourself and do SOMETHING that forces you to grow today. You don’t have to commit to Live Hard or 75 Hard, but I’m begging you not to give in to the lazy, “don’t be so hard on yourself” culture that has been pushed for years.

Please do be tough on yourself. Force growth. When you do this, you become better for those you care about most. When you do this, you inspire those you care about most to do the same.

Happy Sunday!