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Introducing Mitch Stevens, a passionate advocate for the Special Needs and Disabled Communities. Mitch cherishes moments with his special needs friends. Connect with Mitch at to discover the power of connection within the Special Needs and Disabled Communities through his remarkable journey.
What made you decide to get involved with the special needs and disabled communities?
A good friend of mine in high school encouraged me to check out an after school club for students with special needs and/or disabilities. I loved it, and it made me decide to use my study hall period to assist as a “teacher aide” for a special education classroom. From there, the passion has grown and evolved to become one of the most important parts of my life.
Why did you decide to write a book on the topic?
I knew very little about these communities before getting involved in high school, and with that came many misconceptions. I felt that it would be difficult to connect with people with special needs, and that the people that volunteered were just extremely unique because they were able to do it. My involvement showed me that it was easier to connect and quickly become friends with people in these communities than anyone I had ever met. In addition, I was pleasantly surprised by how much they were teaching me about life. The positivity and overall joy for life despite extreme daily challenges began to show me how to be better myself. With that being said, I wrote the book with the hope that I can spread awareness for as many people as possible to experience the same thing that I did.
So you advocate for the special needs and disabled communities, but you also do play-by-play sports commentary? That’s random…
Yes, I know 🙂 I feel that so much of my purpose in life is now tied to making an impact through being an advocate for people with special needs, but that doesn’t need to be my entire identity. My approach to life is focus on the things that fill me up the most— my family, the special needs community, and sports — and spend time on those things as much as possible. I want anyone that finds this site to get as clear of a picture of who I am.
What are you currently doing to stay involved with the special needs community?
I am currently an assistant coach for a Special Olympics Indiana basketball team! As of writing this, I just got started, and it has been an absolute blast thus far. In addition to that, two of my best friends from my hometown have special needs, and I work consistently to plan hangout time with them during trips home.
What is the best way to connect with you?
Shoot me an email at Feel free to ask a question, share your feedback on the book, suggestions for how to spread the message, or just let me know you’re following along with the content!