Mitch’s Blog
Check Out Special Olympics Indiana’s Summer Games!
Special Olympics Indiana is hosting the Summer Games in less than one month! The events will take place over the course of a three-day period, from June 7-9, in Terre Haute, Indiana. I’ve shared several times that my mission with “Transcending Labels” is to inspire...
Should We Be Teaching This To America’s Kids?
Teaching America’s kids important values and concepts as early as possible matters to me; I hope it does to you, too. I am not going to get political here, but it seems to me that what we decide to add or subtract from our schools in terms of reading material is an...
Becoming a Person of Gratitude
Most people are familiar with the concept that practicing gratitude consistently = a happier general state of being. The science shows that it is impossible to be using your brain to consider what you are grateful for and simultaneously be upset, angry, feeling...
Mental Toughness and the Special Needs Community
Do you struggle from time-to-time to keep yourself motivated? Find yourself complaining more often than celebrating the good that has happened in your days? Maybe you feel like you "can’t catch a break," or you had a lofty goal, the motivation and excitement wore off,...
Purpose-Driven: Being a Consistent Advocate
Because of the massive impact people in these communities have had on me, I feel called to drive awareness around consistently thinking about people with special needs and/or disabilities. How can we be more conscious and mindful of them? And not just every now and...
Transcending Labels: The Book and The Mission
I recently published Transcending Labels: The Power of Connecting with the Special Needs and Disabled Communities. I worked on this for the better part of three years with the objective of spreading awareness around these communities. Throughout the process, I have...