Discover the Power of Connecting with Special Needs and Disabled Communities

The Power of Automatic Charity

A number of signs in my life have recently pointed to automatic charity. That is, essentially making it just as much of a priority to systematically give back as we do to saving for our own personal futures. Several devotional readings and verses in the Bible over the...

Defying the Odds with Down Syndrome

In my experience, “defying the odds” is a phrase that is synonymous with individuals in the special needs and disabled communities. A few months ago, I was made aware of this story via Special Olympics Indiana’s email chain. Lloyd, a young man with Down Syndrome,...

The “All You Wanted” Journal Prompt

What is something that you have now, that a one time, was all you wanted? Seven years ago, I vividly remember reflecting on what had been my first successful year as a sales manager. Nearly a year prior, I made the decision to move from my hometown of Cincinnati, OH...

Girl Dad: The Child That Makes You Grow

Just over three weeks ago, I became a Dad— a ‘Girl Dad’ at that. Leona Elizabeth is here! I knew I wanted to write about my early experiences and lessons, but I’ve found it difficult. I considered putting together the array of thoughts and emotions last Sunday, but...